Somewhere around version 9 (maybe before, maybe later…all so long ago 😀) the distinction between CLOB and VARCHAR2 became less defined. This was a good thing because the typical operations you would do with a VARCHAR2, for example, SUBSTR, REPLACE, INSTR and the like, could be used directly against a CLOB datatype without needing to resort to DBMS_LOB utilities. We all like simpler code when building our apps.
However, convenience sometimes comes with a price. Let’s say I have a large existing CLOB and I want to append some data to it as that data arrives from an external source. I can mimic that with the following code snippet
load a large CLOB from the filesystem
query that CLOB into a variable
loop 100 times, each time appending 100 characters to the CLOB
In simplest form, we would expect the code to look as simple as:
clob_var := clob_var || 100char_string;
But let’s explore various permutations of coding options and do some timing tests on each. The results below may surprise you.
SQL> create table t ( c clob );
Table created.
SQL> insert into t values ( empty_clob() );
1 row created.
SQL> /* first we load our initial 100m lob */
SQL> declare
2 l_bf bfile;
3 l_cl clob;
5 l_dst int := 1;
6 l_src int := 1;
7 l_cs int := 0;
8 l_lg int := 0;
9 l_wrn int := 0;
10 begin
11 select c into l_cl from t for update;
13 l_bf := bfilename('TEMP', 'bigfile.txt');
14 dbms_lob.fileopen(l_bf, dbms_lob.file_readonly);
15 dbms_lob.loadclobfromfile (
16 dest_lob => l_cl,
17 src_bfile => l_bf,
18 amount => dbms_lob.lobmaxsize,
19 dest_offset => l_dst,
20 src_offset => l_src,
21 bfile_csid => l_cs ,
22 lang_context => l_lg,
23 warning => l_wrn);
24 dbms_lob.fileclose(l_bf);
26 commit;
27 end;
28 /
PL/SQL procedure successfully completed.
SQL> select dbms_lob.getlength(c) from t;
SQL> set timing on
SQL> -- Commented out because it takes a LOONNNNGGG time
SQL> --declare
SQL> -- l_txt varchar2(100) := rpad('x',100,'x');
SQL> --begin
SQL> -- for i in 1 .. 100 loop
SQL> -- update t
SQL> -- set c = c || l_txt;
SQL> -- end loop;
SQL> -- commit;
SQL> --end;
SQL> --/
SQL> -- now less update calls by deferring append via batching
SQL> declare
2 l_txt varchar2(100) := rpad('x',100,'x');
3 l_big varchar2(32000);
4 begin
5 for i in 1 .. 100 loop
6 l_big := l_big || l_txt; -- batching up strings
7 end loop;
9 update t
10 set c = c || l_big; -- but still using || in DML
11 commit;
12 end;
13 /
PL/SQL procedure successfully completed.
Elapsed: 00:00:11.35
SQL> declare
2 l_txt varchar2(100) := rpad('x',100,'x');
3 l_big varchar2(32000);
4 l_cl clob;
5 begin
6 dbms_lob.createtemporary(l_cl,true); -- using a temp lob better BUT (see update)
7 select c into l_cl from t;
9 for i in 1 .. 100 loop
10 l_cl := l_cl || l_txt; -- || in code better than DML but still slow
11 end loop;
13 update t -- you pay a price to put that temp lob back in
14 set c = l_cl;
15 commit;
16 end;
17 /
PL/SQL procedure successfully completed.
Elapsed: 00:00:07.20
SQL> declare
2 l_txt varchar2(100) := rpad('x',100,'x');
3 l_cl clob;
4 begin
5 select c into l_cl from t for update;
7 for i in 1 .. 100 loop
8 l_cl := l_cl || l_txt; -- getting better now
9 end loop;
10 commit;
11 end;
12 /
PL/SQL procedure successfully completed.
Elapsed: 00:00:01.18
SQL> declare
2 l_txt varchar2(100) := rpad('x',100,'x');
3 l_big varchar2(32000);
4 l_cl clob;
5 begin
6 select c into l_cl from t for update;
8 for i in 1 .. 100 loop
9 dbms_lob.append(l_cl,l_txt); -- direct append to the clob
10 end loop;
11 commit;
12 end;
13 /
PL/SQL procedure successfully completed.
Elapsed: 00:00:00.04
SQL> declare
2 l_txt varchar2(100) := rpad('x',100,'x');
3 l_big varchar2(32000);
4 l_cl clob;
5 begin
6 for i in 1 .. 100 loop -- and finally direct append with batching
7 l_big := l_big || l_txt;
8 end loop;
10 select c into l_cl from t for update;
12 dbms_lob.append(l_cl,l_big);
13 commit;
14 end;
15 /
PL/SQL procedure successfully completed.
Elapsed: 00:00:00.01
So if you’re working with LOBs and basic operations seem to be slower than you expect, take a look at the code you’re using – there may well be a faster option.
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